Lissa Anglin • Part of Me Blog

Art, décor, family and photography- it's all part of me!


the "missing" in miscarriage

lissa-anglin5 Comments

That's right. I'm about to talk about miscarriage again. Please don't feel obligated to read this deeply personal post (haha- did I get you there? You want to read now, don't you?!?). Seriously, if you would like to just keep scrolling to see some pretty photos, it would be my honor. The beautiful things I get to photograph are just as much a part of my life as this post is.

I believe I've mentioned before that sharing about my struggles and personal life here on my blog is something I feel pretty passionately about, and while it may be neater and more marketable to blog separately about it elsewhere, it just doesn't make sense to me. My photography clients have been some of the most supportive, encouraging, posts of comfort I've had during this season of my life. So here I am, at 100%.

A friend sent me this article a couple of weeks ago, which began a stirring in my heart. It's entitled, "Why Miscarriage Matters if You're Pro-Life." If you want to understand what I'm about to say a bit better, I'd recommend reading it and coming back. :) 

As a Christian, I am pro-life. I have watched people close to me deal with the consideration of, logistics of, legality of, and regrets of abortion. I have fought our culture's "reasoning" with it in my heart. And what God says is clear. It's wrong. We had a 2-week series on abortion at our church a few months ago. You can watch the series, called "Sacred Mortality" in the Media Center at The Heights Fellowship. This series cleared up so many gray areas I had about abortion and the culture we live in. 

It was tough to sit through the messages, though, simply because we were discussing babies that were not wanted. I have no idea what that feels like. In fact, I'm so on the other side of that feeling that the talk of an unwanted baby brought this mother to tears quickly and frequently. 

The last time I wrote about this part of my life was a couple days before I went in for surgery to fix an anatomical issue I had that was likely the cause of my 4 early miscarriages. It went SO well. The hardest part was getting the IV. The hospital staff was amazing. The doctor was amazing. My husband and mom who took care of me (and a sick Knox) were amazing. The pain killers were amazing (haha- but seriously, they were). THANK YOU all for praying for me. I felt it. My body is completely recovered at this point. 

All of these influences/life-happenings have led me to one harsh realization: the grief is NOT over. Ahhh, if only! When Shawn and I went to visit a family counselor several months ago just after miscarriage #4, I was told that I hadn't given myself enough time to grieve. I was really hoping I had at this point, almost 6 months later. The organizer in me would love to schedule it out on the calendar. :) But, it keeps coming back, and when it does, it hits hard. 

That big, giant, black hole of grief. I keep trying to cover it with activity, or material things, or even prayer...but it remains. It's dark, and sad, and all-too-accessible. I try to ignore it. I cry for no clear reason, and it hits me in those quiet moments. I think many times I've equated it to my longing for our adopted child, but now I'm realizing that it is grief. Sadness for the children we've "missed out on" in this life. It's the wondering, "does that life count? Should I just move on? Will having another one fix or replace this child?"...I want to talk about it with people. But it's not something you can just bring up after "Beautiful weather today...". 

The thoughts echoed above in Rachel Lewis's article really resonated with me. Some of the "mixed messages" culture had told her were things I had told myself. Like Rachel, I am surrounded by well-meaning people who have cared for me and considered me so much more thoroughly than I would have expected. They have been sensitive and thoughtful with their words. I have needed my support system so badly, and they've been there. (You know who you are- thank you.) I honestly think the person who was the most discouraging...has been myself. 

I am an achiever. I am sad to admit that I have consistently set goals I know I can meet- because I'm not sure how I'll handle it if I don't. Did I ever picture myself living out my perfect family-building plan with this huge hole in my heart? No way. Had I envisioned myself wiping back tears while trying to play with my 3 year old, overwhelmed by guilt and emotion? Definitely not.

Of course I can have kids a perfect 2.5 years apart! Of course this adoption will go more quickly than we are told! Of course I can keep it together while running 2 businesses and managing a household! Ha- that last one may be the biggest lie I've believed thus far. 

I'm missing something. 4 things, actually. 4 little people I didn't get to meet in this life. This hole, however much I hate it, is now a part of me. I know that my hole, my "missing", will become a beautiful, God-revealing part of me if I choose to quit burying it or covering it up. So, I'm getting to a place of recognition (what stage is that?!? Whatever. I don't have time). And remembrance. And honesty. And waaaaaaay to much emotion. But, that is the part I'm living right now. 

Listen, God has been good. And constant. He has sustained me through moments of weakness and held me during the moments I've fallen apart. I don't know where I'd be without Christ inside me through this. His word has reminded me that He's gone before me in this situation, and He'll be here to see me out of it. 

I'm learning to embrace the hard parts about miscarriage that I may never get over. In a weird way, I don't want to forget how this feels. I know there are so many more women out there who are dealing with it as well. So, whether you like it or not, I'll keep you updated. :)


hurt, healing, and hope

Adoptionlissa-anglin8 Comments

It's such a bittersweet feeling- knowing that I am finally writing this blog post- acknowledging the fact that seeing it written out in black and white will scare me a bit and cement this story even further into my past and my future. 

If you've been reading my blog for a while you may have noticed the lack of "personal" posts in the past year or so. Some of that has been due to the fact that I became a Mom (and realized how valuable my time is with my baby), and some of that is because there has been a lot going on that is not so easy to share. One of my goals for this next year is to get back to doing some more personal posts- mostly because this is MY blog. Yes, of course, it is very much about my clients and friends who honor me with the opportunity to document their stories- but my story also needs to be documented here for it to be a true picture of life.

This story begins about a year ago- my baby had just turned 1 year old and I remember being at his birthday party and realizing, "He really isn't a baby anymore- wow...". And if course the next thought that came to me was, "Holy cow- we'd better get on this baby-making business if we are going to fulfill my perfect plan of babies 2 years apart!". Haha- looking back I should have known then that my plans are so, so imperfect next to God's plans. He's proven it to me time and time again, and each time I've been thankful that He's in charge of my life, and that I am not.

Just a few months later in June, I found out I was pregnant! Shawn and I were excited, but I never let myself get too excited. I think I just knew...and about a week later, it was confirmed- I was having a miscarriage. We were devastated, but I was in the middle of wedding season and so I didn't have much time to mope. I do think that this was a good thing- I needed to be busy, and God revealed to me through other circumstances just how blessed we were. You can believe I was squeezing Knox just a little tighter. :)

During the fall we were able to relax a bit more and my work shifted from engaged and married couples to families. Shawn and I even got to go visit our friends in Germany for a couple of weeks! That time was so precious and completely refreshing. (More on that trip later). To top off the autumn, we found out that we were pregnant again in November! After already experiencing miscarriage, I knew that I didn't want to keep the pregnancy a secret for long- we NEEDED that team of friends and family there to pray for us as we hoped for a successful pregnancy and trusted God with it. We told our families at Thanksgiving, and not long after, experienced another, this time more heart-wrenching, miscarriage.

I wish I could say that I had complete closure about it. I DID have (and continue to have) a great group of family, friends, and my husband (who was mourning in his own right). I am so thankful that I know they are constantly praying for us. Really, though- as simple as it sounds, I just knew it wasn't God's timing. I had to trust that and keep walking.

In the weeks since, Shawn and I have gotten to celebrate another birthday with Knox (he is now a 2 year old rambunctious, beautiful mess), and started making some new goals for our family. We decided we'd focus on a new house. We've wanted to move houses for a few years now, and...why not? So we set a goal amount for a down payment and began to save.

One night last week I was frustrated. Not about anything important, really- I was just. irritated. And nothing could explain it. Cranky. Unpleasant. (I'm sure Shawn could throw some adjectives in there.) He asked me what was wrong. I said I wanted to buy some new bedding for the guest bedroom, and clearly couldn't because of this giant downpayment goal we had. His response was, "Buy the bedding. Use some of the $300.00 we were going to pur toward savings this month. It's not that big of a deal". (I'm sure he knew that would silence the huffing and puffing.) Ok! Instantly I was better.

Later that evening we began talking about adoption. This is not an unusual conversation for us to be having, really. We've known we would adopt since before we started dating. We decided we had no idea how it all worked, and that maybe we should begin to find out for future reference. So I messaged some friends and family I that I knew had adopted for some advice.

That night we found ourselves pouring over agency websites and watching one testimony video after another. Seeing those faces and knowing the longing that those parents felt just melted us. Suddenly the guest bedroom bedding was at the very bottom of the list. It didn't even compare to the faces we saw on the screen. We asked ourselves, "Well, what's next?" To get started, we had to apply. And the fee was exactly $300.00. It was clear to us what that money was for! 

Since then we have been accepted to the Ethiopia program through our adoption agency, America World. We are so, so excited to begin this journey. We know it may take almost 2 years. Are we planning on having more biological children? Yes. Was this the order we thought it would be in? No. But we are trusting that it is the PERFECT timing. My heart is full knowing that God hears my desire to have a full house of kiddos. Our story is not over.

So here we go- our adventure continues!

A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows...God sets the lonely in families...
— Psalm 68:5-6